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Rise Release Notes

Check out the version history for the latest Rise releases.

Anthony Karcz avatar
Written by Anthony Karcz
Updated over a week ago

Here are the latest features and fixes for Rise. Because Rise is a web app, there's nothing to install. New features and fixes are immediately available, though you might need to publish a course again to update it with a new feature or fix. 

New: Adjust Notification Timing

Choose when and how often learners receive email reminders for new, in-progress, and overdue training.

Categories: Managing

Released: May 28, 2024

New: AAPI Heritage Month

Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with this new real content course.

Categories: Authoring

Released: May 1, 2024

Enhanced: Accessibility Updates

We've been busy over the past seven months, making a whole host of accessibility updates. Check them out!

Categories: Authoring

Released: April 30, 2024

New: Enhanced Group Enrollment

Quickly see all assigned content for a group and assign multiple trainings at the same time.

Categories: Managing

Released: April 4, 2024

Enhanced: Enhanced Statement Blocks

Make an impact with padding, divider, and icon options for statement blocks.

Categories: Authoring

Released: February 27, 2024

Enhanced: Design Toolbar

We've modified the behavior of the block design menu to reduce clicks and better accommodate smaller screens.

Categories: Authoring

Released: February 6, 2024

Enhanced: Table Accessibility

Tables in Rise now present as an HTML table to screen reader users for a more familiar, reliable experience. As a result of this upgrade, users may see minor changes in chart data calculations.

Categories: Learning

Released: January 29, 2024

Enhanced: Enhanced Text Blocks

Elevate your course design with padding, width, column number, and image options in text blocks.

Categories: Authoring

Released: January 25, 2024

Enhanced: Report Performance

Lessons Completed information has been removed from all Analyze dashboards to improve overall report performance.

Categories: Reporting

Released: January 9, 2024

Enhanced: Pending User tab

Know at a glance who invited pending learners or if they're self-registered

with the Invited by column.

Categories: Managing

Released: December 18, 2023

Enhanced: 4K Video Support

Rise now supports the upload of 4K videos. Please keep in mind that the 5GB file limit still applies.

Categories: Authoring

Released: December 12, 2023

Enhanced: Updated Course Templates

We've given our most popular course templates a makeover. Lorem ipsum text has been replaced with instructional and sample content. To improve accessibility, we've removed italicized formatting. We've also updated block design throughout to take advantage of recent Rise formatting enhancements.

Categories: Authoring

Released: November 14, 2023

Enhanced: Block Design Menus

We've split the block design menu into two new menus: Style and Format. We've also shifted them to a new left-hand block toolbar for improved workflow.

Categories: Authoring

Released: November 9, 2023

Enhanced: Random Block Background Images

Block background images are now randomly selected on a block-by-block basis. This applies only to blocks created after this date.

Categories: Authoring

Released: October 18, 2023

Enhanced: Image Alt Text

When you leave alt text for an image blank, it’s marked as decorative and ignored by screen readers.

Categories: Authoring

Released: October 6, 2023

Enhanced: Completion Column in Activity Report

Quickly check learner completion status with a sortable column in the Activity report.

Categories: Reporting

Released: September 28, 2023

Enhanced: Block Background and Contrast Settings

Customize your blocks with distinctive backgrounds and easily adjust padding options with enhanced block settings. Automatically adjust the contrast of text and graphics at the block level or select your own contrast with block contrast settings.

Categories: Authoring

Released: September 18, 2023

Enhanced: Reduced Animation

To protect those with motion disorders, quiz and labeled graphics items no longer animate when learners enable reduced motion settings on their devices.

Categories: Learning

Released: September 11, 2023

Enhanced: QR Code Self-Registration

Share a QR code so users can self-register as new learners or group members.

Categories: Managing

Released: August 29, 2023

Enhanced: Quiz Data for Rise API Webhook Events

The course.completed event type for Webhook Events now contains quiz data.

Categories: Managing

Released: August 1, 2023

Enhanced: Cover Page Logo Crop and Sizing

Crop your logo to decrease white space and increase its size to customize your cover page branding.

Categories: Authoring

Released: July 20, 2023

New: Recent Placeholder Content Templates

Use these recently released placeholder content templates in the HR and Sales categories to help you create your own training!

  • Equity Compensation Placeholder Content Template

  • Sales Team Guide to Order Management Processes

Categories: Authoring

Released: June 14, 2023

Enhanced: Manage Group Members via CSV

Bulk import and delete group members via CSV.

Categories: Managing

Released: June 12, 2023

New: Bulk Delete Group Members

Have a large group? Easily delete multiple or all members with true select all, even if they're not listed in the current view.

Categories: Managing

Released: June 7, 2023

New: Hide Lesson Headers

Turn off lesson headers to provide a more focused learning experience.

Categories: Authoring

Released: May 31, 2023

New: Theme Color Contrast

Use theme color contrast to instantly ensure training content meets accessible color handling requirements for learners with low vision.

Categories: Authoring

Released: May 22, 2023

Enhanced: Relative Links for Button Blocks

Use relative links in button and button stack blocks to link to courses within your subdomain.

Categories: Authoring

Released: May 4, 2023

Enhanced: Expanded Image Library

We've upgraded the content library with hundreds of thousands more high-resolution images. Find the perfect royalty-free photos for your online training with our easy-to-use image library. You may need to add our new provider to your allowlist in order for images to display.

Categories: Authoring

Released: May 1, 2023

New: Group Self-Registration

Simplify learner management by generating a sign-up link that automatically adds your learners into a group. Enroll that group in training and libraries to give learners instant access to specific content.

Categories: Managing

Released: April 25, 2023

Enhanced: Cover Photo Overlay Color

Preserve both image clarity and text readability for your cover photo and sidebar image with the Overlay setting.

Categories: Authoring

Released: April 19, 2023

New: Self-Registration

Free up admin time and give new learners easy access to your training content by generating a link that directs to a self-registration landing page.

Categories: Managing
Released: March 30, 2023

Enhanced: True Black Text

The default text color is now true black to improve accessibility conformance.

Categories: Authoring, Learning

Released: March 29, 2023

New: Export Course List

Conveniently export a spreadsheet containing the ID, title, owner, number of enrolled learners, and date of last activity for all your courses right from the course list.

Categories: Managing
Released: March 20, 2023

Enhanced: Screen Reader Announcement Labels

Broaden your impact and enhance accessibility by translating screen reader labels into other languages.

Categories: Authoring
Released: February 24, 2023

Enhanced: Process and Quote Block Accessibility Improvements

Process blocks are now WCAG 2.1 conformant with improved keyboard navigation and screen reader support. We've also made additional accessibility improvements for quote blocks.

Categories: Authoring
Released: February 24, 2023

New: Content Templates for February

Categories: Authoring
Released: February 1, 2023

New: Content Templates for Early January

Happy 2023! Start the new year off right with four new course content templates!

Categories: Authoring
Released: January 12, 2023

New: Content Templates for December

We're rounding out 2022 with 35 new content templates to expand your training in topics like marketing, organizational culture, leadership, and more. Check out the full list below, and we'll see you in 2023!

Categories: Authoring
Released: December 22, 2022

New: Group Reports

Explore course activity and analytics for learners based on group membership.

Categories: Reporting

Released: December 12, 2022

Enhanced: Advanced Report Filters

Quickly create customized, exportable reports. Use filter dropdowns throughout reports in the Analyze tab to narrow search parameters to selected data points.

Categories: Reporting

Released: December 12, 2022

New: Content Templates for November/December

Just in time for your 2023 training planning, we've got fresh new content templates in the form of 14 lessons, three real content courses, and two new NBIC courses.

Categories: Authoring
Released: December 7, 2022

Enhanced: Accessibility Conformance for Flashcard Stack Block, Hyperlinks, and Course Navigation

We've made some big WCAG 2.1 conformance improvements for flashcard stack blocks, hyperlinks, and course navigation elements. Read all about it in the latest Accessibility Journey.

Categories: Authoring
Released: December 7, 2022

New: Content Templates for September/October

Fall is here and so are new content templates! Check out these 13 lessons, two real content courses, and a new course template.

Categories: Authoring
Released: October 28, 2022

Enhanced: Accessible Flashcard Grid Block

Flashcard grid blocks are now WCAG 2.1 conformant. Read all about it here.

Categories: Authoring, Learning

Released: October 5, 2022

New: User Interface Refresh

Engage your team with a refreshed user interface that ensures your learners can quickly and easily access their prioritized training content.

Categories: Managing, Reporting, Authoring, Learning
Released: September 8, 2022

New: Premium Content Sources

Instantly connect your team to a complete library of professionally-developed courses. Empower your learners to self-enroll in curated training content based on their interests and job function.

Categories: Managing, Learning
Released: September 8, 2022

New: Content Templates for August/September

We closed out summer with 24 new lesson templates in two new categories, plus a new real content course.

  • Real Content Course Templates:

  • Real Content Lesson Templates:

    • Explore tough health and safety topics as well as how to deal with violent events in the workplace with the Compliance series (12 lessons)

    • Improve information literacy and expand the ability to incorporate Critical Thinking at work (12 lessons)

Categories: Authoring
Released: September 2, 2022

New: Content Templates for July

We celebrated July with two new course templates, a new placeholder content course template, and twenty-one new lesson templates!

Categories: Authoring
Released: July 29, 2022

New: Prebuilt Themes

Instantly change the look and feel of your course with prebuilt themes and cover pages.

Categories: Authoring

Released: July 19, 2022

New: Customizable Themes

Customize themes with layouts, navigation options, colors, fonts, and images.

Categories: Authoring

Released: July 19, 2022

New: Cover Page Options

Choose from a variety of prebuilt layouts to make a cover page that’s as unique as your course.

Categories: Authoring

Released: July 19, 2022

Enhanced: Timeline Block Accessibility

We’ve greatly improved the overall accessibility of the timeline block with a better screen reader experience and clear borders in Windows High Contrast mode.

Categories: Learning
Released: July 1, 2022

New: Filter by Last Activity

Filter your course and learning path reports by activity with the new last activity dropdown menu.

Categories: Reporting
Released: June 27, 2022

New: Content Templates for June

It's been a busy month with tons of new content for Rise! In addition to our two Pride month real content course templates, we've released 12 lesson templates, five course templates, and new Next Big Idea Club templates. Check it out!

Categories: Authoring

Released: June 27, 2022

Enhanced: Keyboard Accessible Lesson Progress Tooltips

Lesson progress tooltips are now keyboard accessible. We've also updated the language of the tooltip for clarity.

Categories: Learning
Released: June 3, 2022

Enhanced: Reveal Quiz Answers

Make quizzes more challenging. Show learners their selected answers and question feedback without revealing correct answers.

Categories: Authoring

Released: June 3, 2022

New: Diversity and Inclusion Course Templates

Celebrate Pride month with two new real content course templates: Power and Pride: The Origins of Pride Month and Beyond Pride: Year-Round Action.

Categories: Authoring

Released: June 1, 2022

Enhanced: Download Completion Certificates

Admins and reporters can now download a user's course completion certificate from learning path, learner, and course reports.

Categories: Managing, Reporting

Released: May 25, 2022

New: Next Big Idea Club Lessons, Diversity and Inclusion Course, Wellness Benefits Templates, and More

Template releases for May include:

We've also updated several lesson templates for grammar and clarity. We've also updated our career management templates to be more inclusive and relevant.

Categories: Authoring

Released: May 20, 2022

Enhanced: Course Progress in Reports

Course progress for individual learners in native Rise courses is now available in course and learner reports.

Categories: Reporting

Released: May 12, 2022

Enhanced: Human Resources Content

All videos in the Anti-Harassment and Discrimination lesson templates were updated to reflect the course name change as well as additional content edits related to previously listed updates.

Categories: Authoring

Released: May 3, 2022

New: Change Management Lesson Templates, Real Content and Placeholder Content Templates, plus Next Big Idea Club Content

So far this month, we've released 25 lesson templates, three placeholder content course templates, three real content course templates, and the latest Next Big Idea Club course template (plus 11 lesson templates from last month's release).

Categories: Authoring

Released: April 20, 2022

Enhanced: Bulk Resend Pending Invitations

Select and resend multiple pending invitations from the Pending tab.

Categories: Managing

Released: April 19, 2022

Enhanced: Bulk User Role Change

Change the role of multiple users at the same time.

Categories: Managing

Released: April 15, 2022

Enhanced: Admin Course Search Results

Searching for an exact course title on the Courses tab produces more consistent results.

Categories: Managing

Released: April 13, 2022

Enhanced: Bulk Delete Pending Invitations

Select and delete multiple pending invitations from the Pending tab.

Categories: Managing

Released: April 8, 2022

Enhanced: Feedback and Contrast (Accessibility)

We've made improvements to both quiz and knowledge check feedback as well as block performance in Windows high contrast mode. Read more in the latest Accessibility Journey.

Categories: Learning

Released: April 7, 2022

New: Human Resources, Professional Skills, and Next Big Idea Club Content

March has been a busy month, with four new real content courses, a new Next Big Idea Club course, two new placeholder content courses, and updates to our real content lessons:

Categories: Authoring

Released: March 31 2022

Enhanced: Interface Contrast (Accessibility)

We've made several improvements to contrast elements to improve accessibility. Read more here.

Categories: Learning

Released: March 31, 2022

Enhanced: Bulk Delete Users

Select and remove up to 50 users at once with the new bulk delete option.

Categories: Managing

Released: March 1, 2022

Enhanced: Export Deactivated Users

You can now export a list of deactivated user names and emails from the Deactivated tab.

Categories: Managing

Released: February 23, 2022

Enhanced: Export User List

You can now export the full or filtered user list to a spreadsheet. Click the link to learn more.

Categories: Managing

Released: February 18, 2022

Enhanced: Sort Pending Users

You can now sort the list of pending users alphabetically by email or by the date their invitation was sent.

Categories: Managing

Released: February 17, 2022

Enhanced: Filter Users by Group

Selecting a group from the drop-down menu at the top of Manage > People > Users displays only those users that are group members.

Categories: Managing

Released: February 7, 2022

Enhanced: Export Pending Users List

Admins can now export the list of pending users to a CSV file.

Categories: Managing

Released: February 7, 2022

New: Personal Development, Diversity, and Next Big Idea Club Content

Roll into February and help your users become the best versions of themselves with four real content courses, plus a fresh course from Next Big Idea Club.

Categories: Authoring

Released: February 7, 2022

Enhanced: Delete Block Undo Notification

We’ve improved the visibility and functionality of the undo notification that appears when you delete blocks. Now, if you need longer than 12 seconds, hover your mouse over the notification to pause the timer. You’ll also see multiple notifications when more than one block is deleted.

Categories: Authoring

Released: February 1, 2022

Enhanced: Content Library Preview

Categories: Authoring

Released: February 4, 2022

Enhanced: Export Group Members List

Admins can now export a spreadsheet containing the name and email of each member in a specific group.

Categories: Managing

Released: February 1, 2022

New: Marketing, Management, and Human Resources Content

Kick the new year off with tons of new prebuilt marketing and management content and a new human resources template that'll make it a cinch to offer your team the training they need. Get started quickly with new offerings:

Categories: Authoring

Released: January 10, 2022

Enhanced: Exported Activity Reports

Exported reports now reflect activity report search filters.

Categories: Reporting

Released: December 22, 2021

New: Ready-to-Go Sales and Marketing Courses

With these two new real content courses, your sales and marketing team can become savvy content creators and learn how to become market research pros.

Categories: Authoring

Released: December 17, 2021

New: Ready-to-Go Courses on Leadership and Diversity & Inclusion

Add these courses to your library to help your team explore ethics in leadership and understand bias in recruiting and how to overcome it.

Categories: Authoring

Released: December 16, 2021

New: Real Content on Problem-Solving

Empower your team to tackle tough situations with ready-to-go courses on fundamental and advanced problem-solving.

Categories: Authoring

Released: December 10, 2021

Enhanced: Report Optimization

Load times for all reports are substantially improved.

Categories: Reporting

Released: December 9, 2021

New: Professional Presentation Skills Course Template

Easily help your team boost their professional skills with the latest course template focused on effective workplace presentations.

Categories: Authoring

Released: December 3, 2021

New: Real Content on Customer Service, Human Resources, Information Technology, and Sales

Instantly publish these ready-to-go courses to build your team's customer service, communication, data security, and sales capacity.

Categories: Authoring

Released: December 3, 2021

Enhanced: Sort Users by Activity

See when users were most recently active in Rise with the Last Activity column, found in Manage > People > Users.

Categories: Managing

Released: November 16, 2021

Enhanced: Question-level Reporting

Categories: Reporting

Released: November 16, 2021

New: Marketing Content

With 37 new business content lessons focused on marketing, your team can get a head start on success. Learn the fundamentals, then dive into brand identity, market research, content marketing, email marketing, and more!

Categories: Authoring

Released: November 16, 2021

New: Real Content on Information Technology

Share these ready-to-go courses with your team about IT security fundamentals, protecting data, and avoiding phishing attacks.

Categories: Authoring

Released: November 12, 2021

New: Real Content on Customer Success and Service

Empower your team to deliver excellent customer service, navigate difficult situations, and lead manage customer service teams with these seven ready-to-go courses.

Categories: Authoring

Released: November 10, 2021

New: Real Content on Leadership, Professional Development, and Sales Topics

Share these ready-to-go courses with your team to offer fresh professional development opportunities on adaptability, business writing, sales, and more.

Categories: Authoring

Released: November 1, 2021

New: Real Content Courses on Wellness

Share these ready-to-use courses with your team to help folks on your team plan for retirement, learn more about COVID-19, and dig into common questions about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Categories: Authoring

Released: October 19, 2021

New: Real Content Courses on Wellness and Professional Skills Topics

Dig into the latest new, ready-to-use courses in Rise to help your team build a more diverse workplace and learn new problem-solving skills.

Categories: Authoring

Released: October 4, 2021

New: Prebuilt Training Created in Partnership with the Next Big Idea Club

Empower your team to overcome common barriers to change with new, prebuilt training based on Katy Milkman’s “How to Change for the Better.”

Categories: Authoring

Released: October 4, 2021

Enhanced: Image Alignment

Choose alignment options for images in accordion, tabs, timeline, and process blocks.

Categories: Authoring

Released: September 30, 2021

New: Real Content Courses—Diversity and Inclusion, Human Resources

With these three real content courses, you’ll learn how to cultivate diversity in your organization, attract top talent, and conduct a job interview.

Categories: Authoring

Released: September 17, 2021

New: Course Templates

The latest new course templates make it a cinch to build your team's brand messaging skills and sales pipeline understanding.

Categories: Authoring

Released: September 10, 2021

New: Next Big Idea Club Content

Learn how to tap into your inner potential when you dig into this course, created in partnership with the Next Big Idea Club: Annie Murphy Paul on Thinking Outside the Brain. We've also released 11 new lessons based on Thinking Outside the Brain that you can customize and insert into your own content.

Categories: Authoring

Released: September 1, 2021

New: Manage Course Collaborators

Admins can add and remove course collaborators for published courses directly from course details.

Categories: Managing

Released: August 19, 2021

New: Security Awareness Content

With 15 new business content lessons focused on security awareness, it's easy to help your team make smart decisions. Get started with lessons that'll empower your team to use social media safely, protect data in the workplace, avoid online scams, and much more.

Categories: Authoring

Released: August 19, 2021

New: Real Content Course—Leadership

Empower managers to chart a course to success with our blueprint for effective leadership.

Categories: Authoring

Released: August 4, 2021

New: Next Big Idea Club Content

Explore the surprisingly subversive idea that humans are inherently good in the latest Next Big Idea Club course on Humankind by Rutger Bregman.

Categories: Authoring

Released: July 23, 2021

Enhanced: Accessible Block Management

Screen readers now see and announce the move up, move down, and duplicate buttons used to manage blocks while authoring.

Categories: Authoring

Released: July 7, 2021

New: Course Templates

Discover the fundamentals of PR with the latest course template.

Categories: Authoring

Released: June 30, 2021

New: Next Big Idea Club Content

Explore the benefits of delusion with Shankar Vedantam. Then learn how to recognize and extricate yourself from high conflict situations with Amanda Ripley.

Categories: Authoring

Released: June 30, 2021

New: Business Content Lessons

We’ve added 13 lessons to our Career Management series! Explore skills crucial to success for new professionals and learn the fundamentals of professional etiquette.

Categories: Authoring

Released: June 24, 2021

New: Business Content Courses

Dive deep into workplace integrity, business ethics, career development, and sales and marketing with these 13 new real content courses.

Categories: Authoring

Released: June 17, 2021

New: Course Templates

Quickly create compliance training for FMLA, help your employees manage workplace stress, or improve the wellness of your remote workers with these new course templates.

Categories: Authoring

Released: June 15, 2021

New: Customer Service Content

Take a master class in customer service with these 41 business content lessons that cover basic skills, how to respond to difficult conversations, the importance of cultural sensitivity, how to supercharge support team management, and more.

Categories: Authoring

Released: June 2, 2021

New: Business Content Courses

Explore even more ready-to-deploy real content courses created from our own business content lessons in the Health and Wellness, Personal Development, and Professional Skills categories.

Categories: Authoring

Released: May 30, 2021

Enhanced: Next Big Idea Club Content

Explore four new courses from the Next Big Idea Club. Learn about the hidden workings of the human brain, how work plays a part in modern society, the way to be unapologetically ambitious to reach your goals, and how to harness your inner voice to your advantage.

Categories: Reporting

Released: May 19, 2021

Enhanced: Activity Report Minimum

Course activity with a duration of under ten seconds isn’t recorded on the activity report.

Categories: Reporting

Released May 13, 2021

Enhanced: Report Time Stamps

Learner, course, and learning path reports display exactly when the data was last refreshed by the system. The activity report refreshes continuously.

Categories: Reporting

Released May 13, 2021

Enhanced: Reporter Access for SSO-Managed Groups

You can now select SSO-managed groups when assigning reporter access.

Categories: Managing, Reporting

Released: May 11, 2021

Enhanced: Third-Party Content Learning Paths

Create learning paths from your imported third-party training.

Categories: Managing, Authoring

Released: May 6, 2021

Enhanced: Update Third-Party Content

Overwrite your existing third-party courses with new versions, maintaining current enrollments and reports.

Categories: Managing

Released: May 6, 2021

New: Multiple Rise Libraries

Create completely separate course libraries in Rise. Perfect for when you want to give different groups of people, such as external partners, access to a limited set of courses.

Categories: Platform

Released: May 4, 2021

New: Business Content Courses

We’ve combined our business content lessons into 55 real content courses covering topics such as Career Management, Communication, Leadership, Project Management, Stress Management, Team Management, and Time Management.

Categories: Authoring

Released: April 30, 2021

Enhanced: Cover Photo Text Contrast

Categories: Authoring

Released: April 29, 2021

New: Question-level Reporting

Know how your learners answered each question so that you can refine training to meet their needs.

Categories: Reporting

Released: April 8, 2021

Enhanced: Search Users by Email

You can search the Users list by email address as well as name.

Categories: Managing

Released: April 7, 2021

New: Next Big Idea Club Content

Help your team reach their highest potential with life-changing, ready-to go training content from the world’s most brilliant luminaries. Offered in partnership with the Next Big Idea Club, these courses feature videos from the authors themselves, who share their insights directly with learners.

Categories: Authoring

Released: April 6, 2021

New: Content-Focused Authoring Experience

Quickly create courses from our extensive collection of modular, fully customizable lessons and exclusive partner content.

Categories: Authoring

Released: April 6, 2021

New: Problem Solving

Learn how to overcome barriers, brainstorm solutions, reframe issues, solve problems as a team, and more in these 18 new Problem Solving lessons.

Categories: Authoring

Released: March 25, 2021

Enhanced: Quiz Lesson Continue Button

In quiz lesson settings, you can select a Continue button to appear at the end of the quiz instead of the standard next lesson button. Your learners will see a familiar continue button that adopts your course theme color.

Categories: Authoring

Released: March 9, 2021

New: Slack Integration

Integrate Rise directly with your favorite team communication app. This lets you receive Rise notifications directly in Slack and more.

Categories: Integrations

Released: March 1, 2021

New: Sales

Learn how to build a sales pipeline, create relationships, manage deals, and close the sale. Plus, dive into sales leadership and management, the psychology of sales, and more with 59 new Sales lessons.

Categories: Authoring

Released: February 24, 2021

New: Custom Welcome Email

Personalize the email your learners receive when you invite them to your account.

Categories: Managing

Released: February 2, 2021

Enhanced: Accessible Labeled Graphics

Make labeled graphic interactions accessible to all users with improved keyboard navigation, screen reader support, and a color selector for markers.

Categories: Accessibility

Released: January 28, 2021

Enhanced: Automatic Audio and Video Bookmarking

When you navigate away from or close a lesson while playback is in progress, your position is saved automatically. Just press Play to resume where you left off.

Categories: Learning
Released: January 5, 2021

New: HR, Marketing and PR, and Workplace Safety Templates

We’ve added five new templates to our Human Resources, Marketing and Public Relations, and Workplace Safety topics.

Categories: Authoring

Released: December 18, 2020

Enhanced: Deleted and Completed Columns for Exported Reports

The Deleted column in exported course and learning path reports lets you see at a glance if a learner is still active. The Completed column in exported course reports shows the date a learner first completed the course.

Categories: Managing, Reporting
Released: December 17, 2020

New: Labeled Graphics Markers Color Selector

Make your labeled graphics markers stand out and ensure they meet accessible contrast requirements with the new color selector.

Categories: Authoring, Accessibility

Released: December 3, 2020

New: Business Ethics

Learn how to develop a culture of ethics and integrity in the workplace as an individual or a leader with 19 new Business Ethics lessons.

Categories: Authoring

Released: October 20, 2020

New: Zapier

Add Rise to your Zapier workflows to automate your work and streamline your productivity.

Categories: Integrations

Released: September 22, 2020

New: Time Management

Learn how to stay on schedule, reduce distractions, maintain focus, and much more with our Time Management business content lessons.

Categories: Authoring

Released: September 21, 2020

New: Content Transfer

Maintain control of your content and intellectual property. When someone leaves your account, choose what happens to their content.

Categories: Managing

Released, September 21, 2020

New: Leadership and Professional Skills Templates

We’ve added two new templates to our Leadership and Management and Professional Skills topics.

Categories: Authoring

Released: September 17, 2020

New: HR, Leadership, PR, and Professional Skills Templates

We’ve added five new templates to our Human Resources, Leadership and Management, Marketing and Public Relations, and Professional Skills topics.

Categories: Authoring

Released: September 2, 2020

New: Granular Reporting Permissions

Specify which groups reporters can and can’t see. Please note that reporters created prior to this date have access to the Everyone report group by default. Reporters created after this date will have view access only for those groups assigned to them by admins.

Categories: Managing, Reporting

Released: September 2, 2020

New: Third-Party Content Support (Beta)

Import SCORM content from any authoring app and track learners' results in Rise.

Categories: Managing, Reporting

Released: September 1, 2020

New: Stress Management

Learn how to recognize, relieve, and deal with stress in these 17 business content lessons.

Categories: Authoring

Released: August 31, 2020

New: Invite Users to Groups

Add users to groups when you invite them to your account.

Categories: Managing

Released: August 25, 2020

New: Custom Domain Support

Use CNAME to use a personalized URL for your Rise training site.

Categories: Managing

Released: July 29, 2020

New: Custom APIs

With the Rise data API you can build custom integrations with your business systems, giving your team access to valuable training data where they need it most.

Categories: Integrations

Released: July 28, 2020

New: Sample Courses and Templates

We’ve added 5 sample courses and 12 templates to the business content library for the following topics:

Categories: Authoring
Released: July 16, 2020

New: Quiz Results in Exported Reports

Admins and reporters can see learners’ quiz scores in exported CSV reports.

Categories: Managing, Reporting
Released: May 15, 2020

New: Image Cropping

Only need part of an image? Just use the built-in cropping tool to create the perfect picture.

Categories: Authoring
Released: May 14, 2020

New: Time to Learn Calculation

Rise automatically estimates course duration based on your actual lesson content. You can still enter your own course duration value.

Categories: Authoring, Managing
Released: April 16, 2020

New: COVID-19: What You Need to Know

Use this sample course to cut through the confusion surrounding the new coronavirus with this course that aims to dispel misinformation about COVID-19.

Categories: Authoring, Business Content

Released: March 13, 2020

New: PDF Download

Need to print out a course or download it for compliance documentation? Quickly export a PDF of your course right from your Create dashboard. Learn more

Categories: Authoring
Released: February 17, 2020

New: Video Closed Captions

Make your training more accessible by adding closed captions to videos, even those in the prebuilt lessons in Rise. Simply import a caption file for each language.

Categories: Authoring, Accessibility
Released: February 4, 2020

Enhanced: Video Playback Speed

This is now a course-level setting and is enabled by default for all videos. Learners choose a playback speed that's comfortable for them—from 0.25x up to 2x. Learn more.
Categories: Authoring
Released: January 23, 2020

New: Cover Photos for Learning Paths

Customize your learning path with a cover photo. The photo appears on the cover page behind the learning path title.
Categories: Authoring
Released: December 6, 2019

New: Sample Courses

Sample courses provide ready-to-use training on a wide variety of common business topics.
Categories: Authoring, Business Content
Released: November 13, 2019

New: Templates

Build engaging, interactive lessons quickly using gorgeous, customizable templates. Choose a template, add your text and media, and Rise does the rest.
Categories: Authoring, Business Content
Released: November 13, 2019

New: Business Content

Create courses quickly with our professionally-designed, fully customizable lessons that deal with business topics relevant to every employee.
Categories: Authoring, Business Content
Released: November 13, 2019

Enhanced: Video Playback Speed

Let learners select a playback speed that’s comfortable for them, from 0.5x up to 2x. 

Categories: Learning
Released: October 30, 2019

Enhanced: Picture-in-picture Video Playback

Learners can move a video to a floating window so they can watch the video and scroll through lesson content at the same time.
Categories: Learning
Released: October 29, 2019

New: Export Reports

With one click, you can export any report to a CSV file for download.

Categories: Reporting, Managing
Released: October 25, 2019

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