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View Activity Reports

How to use the activity reports

Anthony Karcz avatar
Written by Anthony Karcz
Updated over a week ago

 Applies to these roles: Reporter, Admin  

The Activity tab lists all learner activity for your account. This report is sortable by learner name, course name, number of lessons, quiz scores, activity date, total duration of active time spent in the course per session, and completion status.

Note: Your view may include only a subset of the learners in your organization if an admin has assigned you to specific groups. Any activity with a duration under 10 seconds isn't recorded.

If a course or learning path has been deleted, you'll see it noted next to the activity entry. If the course or learning path report associated with the entry is also deleted, these entries are automatically removed from the activity report. 

Premium content courses will have an Unavailable tag if an administrator has disabled the feature.

Search for learners and courses using the search bar. Use the Time drop-down menu to reduce or increase the number of results listed on this report. By default, you’ll see the last 90 days. This report is also exportable.

If you click a learner, course name, or quiz score you’ll be taken to the individual report for that item.

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