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List of Lesson Templates

Here's all the lesson templates currently available.

Anthony Karcz avatar
Written by Anthony Karcz
Updated over a week ago

Applies to these roles: Author, Reporter, Admin 

This article has the most up-to-date information on what's currently available in Rise. We'll update this list as new content debuts. If you want to learn more about using lesson templates click here.    

The following list is organized into topics, such as communication, leadership, and project management. Each topic is subdivided into series, and each series has a list of lesson titles.

Business Ethics


  • Defining Business Ethics

  • What Is Workplace Integrity?

  • How to Maintain Your Integrity at Work

  • How to Be an Ethical Employee

  • Ethical Warning Signs in the Workplace

Employee Ethics

  • Ethical Dilemmas and How to Resolve Them

  • Overcoming Rationalizations When Making Ethical Decisions

  • Minimizing Gossip in the Workplace

  • Plagiarism and How to Avoid It

  • Motivated Ignorance and How to Avoid It

  • Guide to Reporting Unethical Behavior at Work

  • Appropriate Use of Company Assets

Leadership Ethics

  • Ethical Leadership and Why It’s Important

  • Creating an Employee Code of Conduct

  • How to Develop Ethical Employees

  • Making Ethics Part of Your Company Culture

  • Guide to Evaluating Performance Fairly

  • Making Ethical Decisions as a Leader

  • Managing Conflicts of Interest in the Workplace

Career Management

Assessing Your Strengths and Skills

  • Understanding and Leveraging Your Strengths

  • Matching Your Career to Your Interests 

  • Defining Your Core Values 

  • Seeking Feedback 

  • Receiving Feedback 

  • Developing a Growth Mindset 

Working Relationships

  • Building Strong Work Relationships with Your Coworkers

  • Building a Strong Working Relationship with Your Boss

  • Repairing a Broken Work Relationship

  • Working With People You Don’t Like

Finding a New Job

  • Signs It’s Time to Find a New Job

  • Creating a Resume

  • Writing a Cover Letter

  • Job Interview Preparation and Tips

  • How to Respond to Common Interview Questions

  • Deciding If Remote Work Is Right for You 

  • How to Look for a New Job


  • What is Networking, and Why Is It Important?

  • Navigating a Business Networking Event

  • How to Develop a Winning Elevator Pitch

  • How to Develop a Professional Network

  • How to Maintain Your Professional Network

Mentoring in the Workplace 

  • What Is a Mentor and How Do You Find One?

  • How to Be a Model Mentee

  • A Guide to Mentoring Others

  • Common Mentoring Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Overcoming Challenges 

  • Dos and Don'ts After Losing Your Job

  • Coming Back from a Big Mistake

  • What to Do When You're Feeling Unmotivated

  • Coping with Workplace Change

  • Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

  • Strategies for Working Remotely

  • Overcoming the Fear of Failure 

  • Getting Noticed at Work 

Driving Your Career 

  • What Is Career Development and How Can You Drive Your Career?

  • How to Create a Career Development Plan

  • Getting the Most Out of One-on-One Meetings with Your Manager

  • Increasing Your Value at Work

  • Asking for a Raise

  • Taking Control of Your Personal Brand at Work

  • Preparing for your Performance Review

  • How to Transfer Jobs Within Your Company

  • Choose Your Track: Manager or Individual Contributor? 

New Professional

  • 6 Tips for Your First Week on the Job

  • Creating a 30/60/90 Day Plan

  • Adopting a Successful Work Attitude

  • How to Be an Effective Teammate

  • Connecting With Coworkers

  • Asking for Help at Work

  • How to Build Your Confidence as a New Professional

  • 7 Practices of Successful New Professionals

  • 6 Tips for Training New Coworkers

Professional Etiquette

  • A Guide to Workplace Professionalism

  • How to Write Effective Business Emails

  • Business Phone Etiquette

  • Formal vs. Informal Communication

Change Management

Change Management Fundamentals

  • Introduction to Change Management

  • 3 Types of Organizational Change

  • Understanding the Basics of Change Management Models

  • Best Practices for Change Management

  • Overcoming Common Change Management Challenges

The Change Management Process

  • Making the Case for Change

  • How to Develop and Communicate a Vision for Change

  • Creating a Change Action Plan

  • Tips for Employees Facing Change at Work

  • How to Measure the Effectiveness of Change

Change Management Models

  • The McKinsey 7-S Model

  • Lewin’s 3-Step Change Management Model'

  • Kotter's 8-Step Change Model

  • Kübler-Ross Change Management Framework

  • The Satir Change Management Model

Leading Through Change

  • The Fundamentals of Leading Through Change

  • 5 Tips for Leading Teams Through Change

  • Empowering Employees to Successfully Navigate Change

Communicating Change

  • Planning an Effective Change Communication Strategy

  • Getting Employee Buy-In During Change

  • Effective Change Management Communication

Managing Change in Times of Crisis

  • Leading During an Unexpected Change

  • Building Adaptability for Your Team

  • How to Support Your Employees in a Crisis

  • Turning a Crisis Into an Opportunity for Positive Change



  • What Is Communication, and Why Does It Sometimes Fail?  

  • Why Communication Skills Matter to Your Professional Success  

  • How to Use Verbal, Nonverbal, and Written Communication  

  • How to Remove Five Common Communication Barriers   

  • Choosing the Right Communication Medium 

Writing Well

  • Written Communication: How to Write with Purpose  

  • Selecting the Right Medium for Your Written Communication  

  • Writing for Your Audience  

  • How to Structure Your Writing  How to Improve Your Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation  

  • How to Edit and Proofread Your Work  

  • Improving Your Business Writing Skills 

Verbal Communication

  • Improving Your Verbal Communication Skills  

  • Starting a Conversation  

  • Strategies for Effective Listening  

  • Asking Closed Versus Open Questions  

  • Communication Mistakes: Rectifying and Clarifying  

  • Ending a Conversation Positively  

  • Becoming an Expert Verbal Communicator 


  • Running an Effective Meeting  

  • Setting a Meeting Agenda  

  • Group Facilitation Techniques  

  • Building Consensus in Meetings  

  • Managing Conflict in Meetings  

  • Speaking Up in Meetings 


  • Defining Your Presentation Objective  

  • How to Structure Your Presentation  

  • Working with Visual Aids  

  • Designing Visual Aids  

  • Presenting Data  

  • Practicing Your Presentation  

  • Coping With Presentation Nerves  

  • Dealing with Questions  

  • Improving Your Presentation Skills 

Negotiation & Persuasion

  • Negotiation vs. Persuasion  

  • The Three Types of Negotiation  

  • Negotiation Tactics  

  • Persuasion Tactics  

  • Improving Your Negotiation and Persuasion Skills 

Difficult Situations

  • Common Workplace Challenges and How to Handle Them  

  • Working with Different Communication Styles  

  • Strategies for Dealing With Difficult Coworkers  

  • Strategies for Dealing With a Difficult Boss  

  • When and How to Escalate Issues to Your Boss  

  • When and How to Involve HR  

  • How to Overcome Your Fear of Confrontation and Conflict  

  • How to Have a Difficult Conversation 


  • What is Empathy?  

  • The Importance of Empathy at Work  

  • Communicating with Empathy  

  • Overcoming Empathy Roadblocks  

  • Strategies for Building Empathy 


Workplace Health and Safety

  • Understanding OSHA’s Focus Four Construction Hazards

  • Ergonomics and Safe Lifting, Pushing, and Pulling

  • Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls

  • Ergonomics in the Office and at Home

  • Eye Safety Fundamentals in the Workplace

  • Ladder Safety Fundamentals

Workplace Violence Training

  • What Is Workplace Violence? Definition, Types, and Impact

  • Identifying and Reporting Early Warning Signs of Workplace Violence

  • Recognizing and Neutralizing Workplace Bullying

  • 3 Levels of Workplace Violence and How to Respond to Them

  • Responding to an Active Shooter Threat

  • First Aid for Life-Threatening Bleeding

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Fundamentals

  • What Is Critical Thinking?

  • The Critical Thinking Process

  • How to Ask Better Questions for Critical Thinking

  • Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning

  • How to Identify Cognitive Bias

Critical Thinking in the Workplace

  • How to Strengthen Your Critical Thinking Skills

  • Building and Strengthening Workplace Arguments

  • Developing Employees’ Critical Thinking Skills

  • 7 Workplace Fallacies to Watch Out For

Critical Thinking and Information Literacy

  • How to Identify Reliable Information

  • Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion

  • How to Identify Satire and Fake News

Customer Service


  • What Is Customer Service and Why Does It Matter?

  • Balancing Personable and Professional Customer Service

  • Meeting and Exceeding Customer Expectations

Customer Communication Basics

  • Communicating Effectively With Customers

  • Personalizing Customer Interactions to Build Rapport

  • Active Listening in Customer Service

  • Customer Service Conversation Starters

  • Soliciting and Responding to Customer Feedback

  • Expressing Empathy in Customer Service

  • Ending Customer Service Conversations

Customer Communication Channels

  • 7 Types of Customer Service

  • Writing Outstanding Customer Emails

  • Talking to Customers on Live Chat

  • Supporting Customers on Social Media

  • Mastering Customer Service Phone Calls

  • An Introduction to Omnichannel Customer Service

  • Successful Channel Switching in Customer Service

Difficult Situations

  • Why Customers Get Upset

  • Responding to an Upset or Abusive Customer

  • Giving an Effective Customer Apology

  • How to Handle Customer Refund or Cancellation Requests

  • Guide to Retaining Customers During Times of Crisis

  • A Guide to Saying “No” to Customers

  • 7 Strategies for Gaining Control of Customer Conversations

Customer Service Skills

  • Improving Your Customer Service Skills

  • 4 Important Skills You Need in Customer Service

  • Working With Different Customer Personality Types

  • Overcoming Empathy Fatigue in Customer Service

  • A Guide to Troubleshooting Customer Issues

Cultural Sensitivity in Customer Service

  • Why Cultural Sensitivity Matters in Customer Service

  • Delivering Exceptional Customer Service Across Cultures

  • Communicating With Cross-Cultural Customers

  • Confronting Cultural Bias in Customer Service

Team Management

  • An Introduction to Contact Center Management

  • Creating a Customer Service Strategy

  • Empowering Your Team to Deliver Great Customer Service

  • How to Increase Customer Retention and Reduce Churn

  • 5 Essential Customer Service Tools

  • How to Measure Customer Service Performance

  • Delivering Proactive Customer Service

  • Managing Customer Support Tickets

Health and Wellness

Dealing With Difficult Emotions or Life Events

  • Your Brain on Uncertainty

  • How to Handle Big Emotions

  • Grieving the Death of a Co-worker

  • How to Find a Good Therapist

  • How to Get Out of a Mental Rut

  • Understanding the Anger Cycle and How to Interrupt It


NEW January 2023

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Exercise

  • Building a Sustainable Workout Habit

  • Applying the FITT Principle to Your Workouts

  • 6 Reasons People Don’t Exercise and How to Overcome Them

  • Easy Desk Stretches

Forming Healthy Habits

NEW January 2023

  • How Habits Form and How to Break Them

  • The Science of Starting New Habits and Making Them Stick

  • Building a Healthy Morning Routine

  • Building a Healthy Evening Routine

  • Practicing Gratitude: Tips and Prompts

  • Breathwork Techniques for Beginners

Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace

  • How to Support Your Team’s Mental Health

  • Raising Awareness: Supporting Co-workers With Mental Health Disorders

  • Combating Stigma and Misconceptions About Mental Health

  • Recognizing the Signs of Employee Substance Abuse at Work

  • A Manager’s Guide to Supporting Grieving Employees

  • How to Support a Grieving Co-worker

Positive Psychology Fundamentals

  • The Science of Happiness and Well-Being

  • Improving Your Well-Being Through Social Connections

  • Challenging Core Beliefs to Boost Happiness

  • 5 Cognitive Distortions That Undermine Our Happiness

  • Physical Habits for Happiness and Well-Being

  • Finding Your Purpose

  • 10 Tech Tips to Boost Happiness

Positive Psychology in the Workplace

  • What Makes People Feel Happy and Fulfilled at Work?

  • How to Find Meaning and Purpose in Your Work

  • Building a Healthy Social Life at Work

  • Boost Your Wellness with Healthy Workplace Habits

  • Finding "Flow" at Work

  • Fostering Positive Emotions at Work

  • Combating Workplace Perfectionism

Human Resources

Anti-Harassment and Discrimination

  • Building a Respectful Workplace

  • Understanding Harassment and Discrimination

  • Workplace Anti-Discrimination Laws

  • What Is Sexual Harassment?

  • Forms of Sexual Harassment and Their Consequences

  • What to Do if You’re Being Sexually Harassed at Work

  • Bystander Intervention

  • Preventing Sexual Harassment as a Supervisor

  • Responding to Sexual Harassment Complaints

Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging

  • What Is DIBs and Its Workplace Impact?

  • Cultivating DIBs Through Belonging Moments

  • Attracting and Hiring Diverse Talent

  • How to Retain Diverse Talent

  • How to Quantify and Measure DIBs

  • How to Be an Ally for Diversity and Inclusion


  • Introduction to Human Resources

  • The Recruiting Process

  • Reviewing Resumes Quickly and Effectively

  • 4 Types of Compensation and Benefits

  • Tips for Employee Onboarding and Training

  • A Quick Guide to Progressive Disciplinary Action

  • Legal Topics Every HR Professional Should Know


  • Preparing and Planning a Job Interview

  • 7 Different Types of Interviews

  • Tips for Conducting an Effective Job Interview

  • Crafting Strong Interview Questions

  • Illegal Interview Questions

  • Ways to Reduce Interviewer Bias

  • Why and How to Follow up After an Interview

Talent Management

  • What is Talent Management and Why Is It Important?

  • Building Your Talent Management Strategy

  • Attracting and Sourcing Top Talent

  • How to Develop Talent within Your Organization

  • Strategies for Retaining Talent and Minimizing Turnover

Unconscious Bias

  • What Is Unconscious Bias, and What Are the Consequences? 

  • Recognizing Five Types of Unconscious Bias 

  • How to Overcome Your Unconscious Biases 

  • Tips for Avoiding Bias while Recruiting and Retaining Talent 

Workplace Well-Being

  • Making the Business Case for Health and Well-Being

  • Creating Employee Wellness Programs

  • Assessing Employee Wellness Interests

  • Diversifying Your Wellness Programs

  • Increasing Awareness of Employee Wellness Programs

  • How to Boost Participation in Your Employee Wellness Program

Retirement Planning

  • What Is Retirement Planning, and Why Is It so Crucial?

  • Understanding Different Retirement Accounts

  • Age Milestones for Your Retirement Planning

  • Catching Up When You’re Behind on Retirement Saving

  • 5 Retirement Planning Mistakes to Avoid



  • What is Leadership and What Makes a Good Leader?  

  • Engaging & Motivating Employees  

  • Leading with Vision  

  • 6 Practices to Become a Better Leader 

Leadership Styles

  • 5 Leadership Styles to Boost Performance  

  • What Is Laissez-Faire Leadership?  

  • What Is Autocratic Leadership?  

  • What Is Democratic Leadership?   

  • What Is Transactional Leadership?   

  • What Is Transformational Leadership? 

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

  • What Is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?  

  • Improving Your Self-Awareness  

  • Strategies for Boosting Self-Regulation  

  • Increasing Your Self-Motivation  

  • Developing Empathy  Enhancing Your Social Skills 

Crisis Management

  • An Introduction to Crisis Management  

  • Types of Business Crises  

  • Preventing and Preparing for a Crisis  

  • Responding to a Crisis  

  • Recovering After a Crisis 



  • What Is Marketing?

  • Traditional vs. Digital Marketing

  • The 4 Key Elements of Marketing

  • Developing a Marketing Plan

  • Determining Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

  • Understanding the Marketing Funnel

  • Persuasion vs. Manipulation in Marketing

  • Introduction to Marketing Analytics

Brand Identity and Strategy

  • What Is a Brand and Why Is Branding Important?

  • Developing Your Brand Personality

  • Visual Brand Design Essentials

  • A Guide to Brand Positioning and Messaging

  • How to Tell a Compelling Brand Story

  • Considerations and Strategy for Rebranding

Customer and Market Research

  • The Importance and Types of Customer Research

  • How to Identify Your Target Market

  • How to Create and Use Buyer Personas

  • Creating a Customer Journey Map

  • How to Conduct a Competitive Landscape Analysis

  • A Guide to Market Segmentation

Content Marketing

  • What Is Content Marketing?

  • Choosing Your Content Distribution Channels

  • Creating Content for Your Target Audience

  • Developing Your Voice and Tone in Content Marketing

  • Developing Your Content Strategy

  • Creating Content for the Marketing Funnel

  • Tips for Creating Engaging Content

  • Business Blogging 101

Email Marketing

  • Introduction to Email Marketing

  • Writing Effective Marketing Emails

  • Avoiding Spam Filters When Sending Emails

  • Writing Compelling Email Subject Lines

  • Segmenting Your Audience

  • Designing an Effective Email Marketing Campaign

  • How to Craft High-Performance Marketing Emails With A/B Testing

  • Email Design Fundamentals

  • The Benefits of Email Automation

  • Measuring the Effectiveness of Email Marketing

Marketing Analytics

  • What Is Marketing Analytics?

  • Choosing Marketing Key Performance Indicators

  • Measuring the Effectiveness of Marketing Campaigns

  • Tips for Interpreting and Analyzing Marketing Data

  • Using Storytelling to Communicate Data

Paid Advertising

  • Introduction to Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

  • Understanding Paid Search and Pay-Per-Click Advertising

  • A Guide to Out-of-Home Advertising

  • What Is Display Advertising?

  • Tips for Creating Eye-Catching Display Ads

  • Recapturing Audience Attention Through Remarketing

Product Marketing

  • Introduction to Product Marketing

  • Understanding the Product Life Cycle

  • Finding and Measuring Product-Market Fit

  • Developing a Pricing Strategy

  • Crafting an Effective Go-to-Market Strategy

  • 7 Steps for a Successful Product Launch

  • Designing Product Pages That Increase Sales

  • How to Write Persuasive and Informative Product Descriptions

  • Understanding How Consumers Adopt New Products

Search Engine Optimization

  • Mastering Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Basics

  • SEO Keyword Research and Selection

  • 15 Factors That Affect Your SEO Rankings

  • Optimizing Content for SEO

  • Technical Optimization for SEO

  • Link-Building Strategies for SEO

  • Structuring Your Website for SEO

  • Writing Alt Text to Optimize Image SEO

  • 6 Must-Know Image Optimization Tips

Social Media Marketing

  • Introduction to Social Media Marketing

  • How to Create a Social Media Strategy

  • Choosing the Right Social Media Channels

  • How to Use Content Buckets for Social Media Organization and Planning

  • Best Social Media Practices for Businesses

  • Getting Started With Social Listening

  • How to Use Hashtags: A Guide for Beginners

  • 12 Creative Content Ideas for Social Media

  • 7 Reasons People Unfollow Brands on Social Media

  • 6 Tips for Boosting Social Media Engagement

  • 8 Social Media Metrics to Monitor

Website Marketing

  • Using Your Website as a Marketing Tool

  • How to Design Great Landing Pages

  • How to Reduce Friction and Increase Website Conversions

Organizational Culture

Cultural Competence

  • Understanding and Developing Cultural Competence

  • Presenting Information Across Cultures

  • Improving Your Cultural Sensitivity

  • Managing Multicultural Teams

  • Understanding and Avoiding Cultural Appropriation

  • Accommodating Religious and Spiritual Beliefs at Work

  • Politics at Work: Guidelines for Discussing Hot-Button Issues

Inclusion and Respect

  • Fostering Psychological Safety in the Workplace

  • Creating an Inclusive Remote Environment

  • Understanding the Gender Spectrum

  • Fighting Gender Bias at Work

Inclusive Communication

  • How to Have Inclusive Conversations

  • How to Handle Offensive Comments at Work

  • Recovering When Your Impact Doesn’t Match Your Intent

  • Understanding and Amplifying Employee Voice

  • When and How to Apologize at Work

  • Creating and Using Shared Agreements

  • Replacing Harmful Phrases With Inclusive Language

  • Using Gender Inclusive Language

  • Using Inclusive Language Around Orientation

  • Using Racially and Ethnically Inclusive Language

  • Using Disability Inclusive Language

  • Challenging Assumptions for Better Workplace Relationships

  • A Quick Guide to Accessible Writing

Problem Solving


  • Introduction to Problem-Solving

  • Managing Complicated vs. Complex Problems

  • Top Skills and Strategies for Effective Problem-Solving

  • Overcoming Barriers to Effective Problem-Solving

  • How to Grow Your Problem-Solving Skills

Steps to Problem-Solving

  • How to Define a Problem and Identify Its Root Cause

  • Brainstorming Solutions to a Problem

  • Researching and Evaluating Possible Solutions When Problem-Solving

  • Implementing the Best Solution to a Problem

  • Evaluating Your Results When Problem-Solving

Problem-Solving in the Workplace

  • How Effective Leaders Solve Problems

  • Cultivating a Culture That Fosters Creative Problem-Solving

  • Solving Problems as a Team

  • Prioritizing Workplace Problems

Advanced Problem-Solving

  • Divergent vs. Convergent Thinking

  • The Risk of Heuristics in Problem-Solving

  • Reframing Problems for Innovative Solutions

  • Design Thinking vs. Traditional Problem-Solving

Project Management


  • What is Project Management?  

  • The Four Phases of Project Management  

  • How to Write a Business Case  

  • How to Create a Project Plan  

  • Strategies for Increasing Project Team Effectiveness  

  • Closing a Project 


  • What is a Project Management Framework?  

  • 3 Types of Project Management Frameworks  

  • Critical Path vs. Critical Chain Project Management   

  • Kanban vs. Scrum  

  • Choosing the Right Project Management Framework 

Project Scheduling

  • What is a Project Schedule?   

  • Defining Deliverables and Activities  

  • How to Estimate Time Accurately  

  • 4 Types of Task Dependencies  

  • How to Create a Resource Plan  

  • Project Scheduling Techniques 

Scope Management

  • What is Scope Management?  

  • What Project Requirements Are and How to Collect Them  

  • Defining and Documenting Scope  

  • How to Create a Work Breakdown Structure  

  • Addressing Scope Creep  

  • Tips for Effective Scope Management 


  • Why Communication Is Important in Project Management  

  • How Project Managers Communicate Successfully  

  • Choosing Your Communication Methods and Tools  

  • Putting Together a Communication Plan  

  • Organizing and Leading Effective Project Meetings 


  • Introduction to Project Reporting  

  • Writing a Project Status Report  

  • Controlling Costs Through Budgeting, Tracking, and Reporting  

  • Managing and Reporting Risks  

  • Quality Management Tools and Techniques  

  • Best Practices for Choosing Key Performance Indicators 

Change Management

  • What Is the Change Management Process?  

  • How to Analyze Change Impact  

  • Getting Sponsorship and Buy-In for Change  

  • How to Implement Project Changes 

Project Improvement

  • 5 Project Management Mistakes to Avoid

  • Seeking Client Feedback

  • How to Conduct a Post-Implementation Review

  • Continuous Project Management Improvement 


Resilience Fundamentals

  • What Is Employee Resilience?

  • How to Build a Resilient Team

  • The 5 Pillars of Personal Resilience

Building Career Resilience

  • 8 Habits of Lifelong Learners

  • Cultivating Strong Professional Relationships

  • Taking Ownership of Your Career

Leadership and Resilience

  • Strategies to Become a Resilient Leader

  • Leading Through a Challenge

  • Building a Resilient Team

Emotional and Physical Resilience

  • Boosting Resilience Through Self-Awareness

  • 5 Ways to Increase Your Mental Agility

  • Boosting Emotional Self-Regulation and Resilience

  • Developing a Healthy Optimism

  • Tips for Maintaining Physical Resilience

Thriving Through Challenges

  • How to Cope With Challenges

  • Managing Your Response to Workplace Conflict

  • How Rest Makes You More Resilient

  • Tips for Staying Adaptable and Resilient

  • Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

  • Using Criticism and Rejection to Grow

  • Strategies for Turning Challenges Into Opportunities



  • Introduction to Sales

  • An Overview of the Sales Pipeline

  • What Is a CRM System and Why Is It Important in Sales?

  • Essential Sales Tools

  • Integrating Your Sales and Marketing Efforts

  • Aligning Sales With the Buyer’s Journey

  • The Importance of Ethics in Sales

  • Basic Sales Communication Skills


  • What Is Prospecting?

  • Techniques for Reaching Out to Prospects

  • Analyzing Your Competition

  • Perfecting the Cold Call

  • Effective Warm Calling in Sales

  • Connecting With Prospects Through Social Selling

Building Relationships in Sales

  • How to Qualify Sales Leads Using the BANT Framework

  • Understanding Potential Buyers' Needs

  • 7 Things to Know About Potential Buyers

  • How to Build Trust With Potential Buyers

  • What Is Consultative Selling and Why Is It Effective?

  • Leveraging Decision-Makers, Influencers, and Gatekeepers in Sales

  • Developing Emotional Intelligence in Sales

  • Why Transparency Is Key to Building Relationships and Boosting Sales

Presenting Your Solution

  • Developing your Proposal

  • 5 Steps to Prepare for a Sales Presentation

  • Tailoring Your Presentation to an Audience

  • Making the Most of Slide Decks in Sales Presentations

  • Winning Sales Presentation Techniques

  • Creating Your Sales Narrative

  • The Role of Storytelling in Sales

  • Translating Features Into Benefits

  • Persuasion vs. Manipulation in Sales

  • Giving an Effective Product Demonstration

Handling Objections

  • An Introduction to Handling Sales Objections

  • 5 Common Sales Objections—and How to Overcome Them

  • Winning Techniques for Handling Sales Objections

  • Common Mistakes When Handling Sales Objections

Closing the Deal

  • Intro to Sales Negotiation

  • Essential Techniques for Negotiating a Sale

  • Countering Common Buyer Negotiation Tactics

  • Closing the Sale

  • Transitioning to Customer Success

Sales Leadership and Management

  • Transitioning From Salesperson to Sales Manager

  • How to Manage a Sales Team Effectively

  • Common Sales Methodologies and How They Work

  • 5 Best Practices for Enabling Your Sales Team

  • Building an Effective Sales Process for Your Team

  • Automating Your Sales Processes

  • Nurturing Hunters and Farmers on Your Sales Team

  • How to Structure Your Sales Team

  • How to Track and Improve Your Sales Team's Performance

  • Setting Realistic Sales Quotas for Your Team

  • Creating Battle Cards to Enable Your Sales Team

  • The Basics of Creating a Sales Forecast

Sales Psychology

  • Understanding Why People Buy

  • How to Succeed in Sales as an Introvert

  • Dealing with Rejection

  • How to Use Body Language to Win More Sales

  • How to Sell to Different Personality Types

  • Managing Stress as a Sales Person

Security Awareness


  • What Is Cybersecurity?

  • Best Practices for Secure Internet Browsing

  • Tips for Public Wi-Fi Security

  • Safe Use of Social Media

  • Dealing With a Security Incident

Social Engineering

  • What Is Social Engineering?

  • Phishing 101

  • Safeguarding Against Business Email Compromise

  • Preventing Phone Scams and Vishing Attacks

  • Protecting Against Malware

How to Protect Your Data

  • The Importance of Confidentiality in the Workplace

  • Creating and Managing Strong Passwords

  • A Guide to Multifactor Authentication

  • Using Physical Security to Keep Facilities and Assets Safe

  • Portable Devices and Removable Media Security

Stress Management


  • What Is Stress?

  • Understanding Your Body’s Reaction to Stress

  • Identifying and Managing Your Stress Triggers

  • Good Stress vs. Bad Stress

Stress and Work Performance

  • The Relationship Between Pressure and Performance

  • How to Manage Your Stress and Increase Mental Focus

  • How to Perform Well Under Pressure

  • What Is Burnout?

  • Recovering from Burnout

Strategies to Relieve Stress

  • Healthy vs. Unhealthy Strategies for Coping With Stress

  • A Guide to Meditation for Stress Management

  • Exercise for Stress Relief

  • How to Reduce Stress by Changing Your Thinking

  • Journaling for Stress Relief

  • Relaxation Techniques for Stress Relief

  • Cultivating an Internal Locus of Control

  • Sensory-Based Strategies for Reducing Stress Quickly

Team Management


  • Introduction to Team Management  

  • What Makes a Team Effective?  

  • Communicating With Your Team  

  • Team Management Tips & Techniques  

  • Common Team Problems & How to Resolve Them 

New Manager

  • Transitioning from Employee to Manager

  • 7 New Manager Mistakes to Avoid  

  • How to Transition from Peer to Boss  

  • Managing People with More Experience Than You 

Team Dynamics

  • Introduction to Team Dynamics and Why They Matter  

  • Common Roles in a Team  

  • Characteristics of High-Performing Teams  

  • Tips for Improving Team Dynamics  

  • Understanding and Leveraging Different Work Styles  

  • Managing the Multigenerational Workplace 

Developing Your Team

  • A Manager’s Role In Career Development

  • The Four Stages of Team Development

  • How to Conduct a Gap Analysis

  • Choosing the Right Training Methods

  • Developing Your Team Through Coaching

  • How to Conduct Effective One-on-Ones

  • Getting to Know Employees' Strength, Interests, and Values

Team Culture

  • What Is Team Culture and Why Does It Matter?  

  • Types of Team Cultures  

  • Assessing Your Team Culture  

  • Creating a Strengths-Based Culture  

  • Building a Positive Team Culture  

  • Transforming a Negative Team Culture 

Delegating Tasks

  • The Importance of Delegation  

  • Why People Don't Delegate  

  • When and How to Delegate  

  • Delegating the Right Tasks to the Right People  

  • Keeping Control Without Micromanaging 

Motivating Your Team

  • What is Motivation?  

  • Factors that Influence Motivation  

  • Improving Employees' Job Satisfaction to Increase Motivation  

  • 6 Strategies to Motivate Employees  

  • Celebrating Wins 

Performance Management

  • What is Performance Management?

  • Tips for Improving Poor Performance

  • How to Develop a Performance Improvement Plan

  • Managing High Performers

  • Conducting Effective Performance Reviews

  • Giving Effective Employee Feedback

  • Handling Difficult Reactions to Feedback

  • How to Effectively Manage Managers

  • Continuous Performance Management

Resolving Conflict

  • Common Causes of Conflict in the Workplace  

  • Understanding How People Deal With Conflict  

  • 6 Steps to Mediate Conflict Between Employees  

  • Conflict Resolution Tips and Techniques  

  • Dealing With Frustrated or Angry Employees  

  • A Manager's Guide to Dealing With Abusive Behavior 

Managing Remote Teams

  • Hiring Exceptional Remote Talent  

  • Best Practices for Managing Remote Teams  

  • Communicating with Remote Teams  

  • Increasing Accountability on Remote Teams  

  • Keeping Remote Workers Connected 

Letting an Employee Go

  • Good Reasons for Letting an Employee Go  

  • Steps to Take Before Letting an Employee Go  

  • How to Tell an Employee They're Fired  

  • Mitigating Legal Risks When Letting an Employee Go  

  • Reassuring Your Team After Someone Is Let Go 

Time Management


  • What Is Time Management?

  • 4 Surprising Symptoms of Poor Time Management

  • 7 Tips for Effective Time Management at Work

  • Tracking and Analyzing How You Use Your Time


  • How to Prioritize Tasks by Urgency and Importance

  • How to Avoid the Top Six Time-Wasters in the Workplace

  • Understanding and Managing Procrastination


  • The Importance of Scheduling and How to Schedule Your Time

  • How to Estimate the Time Needed to Complete Tasks

  • 5 Scheduling Tips for Time Management

Overcoming Challenges

  • How to Avoid Taking on Too Much at Work

  • How to Manage Distractions Effectively

  • How to End the Cycle of Lateness

  • How and Why to Cut Back on Meetings

  • 5 Tips to Take Control of Your Inbox


  • Creating a Distraction-Free and Productive Work Environment

  • Healthy Habits to Help You Stay Focused

  • Why and How to Stop Multitasking

  • Clearing Your Mind of Mental Clutter

  • How to Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time

Goal Setting

  • What Is Goal Setting and Why Is It Important?

  • Setting Goals That Actually Work

  • How to Stick to Your Goals

  • Measuring and Tracking Goal Progress

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