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Rise Quiz Settings

What all the settings do in your quiz lessons

Anthony Karcz avatar
Written by Anthony Karcz
Updated over 3 months ago

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Rise makes it easy to customize quiz settings, including the number of times learners can retake the quiz, the score required to pass the quiz, question randomization, answer shuffling, and more.

Edit an existing quiz lesson or create a new one in a Rise course, then click Settings in the upper right corner of the quiz editor. Adjust the following quiz settings, then click Close to return to the quiz editor.

Passing Score

Enter the percentage that learners must achieve to pass the quiz. The default is 80 percent.

Require Passing Score to Continue

You can control course navigation by requiring learners to pass the quiz before moving on to the next lesson. Just move this switch to the On position.

When this setting is enabled, learners must achieve the passing score you defined (above) to advance to the next lesson in the course.

If learners fail the quiz, they must click the Retry button on the results screen and pass the quiz on a subsequent attempt in order to move on.

If you limit the number of times learners can retake the quiz and they fail all attempts, they won’t be able to advance to the next lesson or complete the course.

Quiz Retries

By default, learners can attempt a quiz an unlimited number of times. If you would like to limit the number of times they can attempt the quiz, use the drop-down list to choose how many retries learners get.

Include in Lesson Count

By default, quizzes are included in the total lesson count for the course. But if you’d like to exclude a quiz from the lesson count, just move this switch to the Off position.

Continue Button Style

Select if you'd like either the standard Next Lesson button or a Continue button to appear at the end of the quiz. The continue button uses the same theme color and label settings as other continue buttons in your course.

Randomize Question Order

If you want learners to see quiz questions in a random order, move this switch to the On position.

If you’d prefer learners to see quiz questions in the order you arranged them, move this switch to the Off position.

Shuffle Answer Choices

If you’d like the answer choices for each question to be shuffled randomly, move this switch to the On position.

If the order of the answer choices is important and you don’t want them to shuffle, move this switch to the Off position.

Reveal Answers

Give learners immediate feedback and reinforce what they learned by showing the correct answer for each question after they submit their responses. Just select Reveal All Answers. And if you added feedback statements to any questions, learners will see those, too.

Select Hide All Answers and learners won't see correct answers after submitting questions, nor will they see feedback statements that you added.

Select Show Incorrect Answers with Feedback and learners see their incorrect answers and question feedback without revealing any other answers.

Format Options

Correct/Incorrect Answer Color

Specify colors other than the default theme colors for correct and incorrect answers.

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