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List of Next Big Idea Club Lessons

All the Next Big Idea Club lessons we've published to date

Anthony Karcz avatar
Written by Anthony Karcz
Updated over a week ago

Applies to these roles: Author, Reporter, Admin

Looking to use Next Big Idea Club content in your Rise course, but don't want to use an entire course? Pick and choose what's right for your learners with these individual lessons and make them your own.

This is the most up-to-date information on what's currently available in Rise 360, arranged by category. We'll update this list as new Next Big Idea Club lessons debut.

Diversity and Inclusion

  • Welcome

  • The Surprising Science of Recognition

  • The Dangers of Stereotype

  • Selective Attention and Procedural Justice

  • We Are All Human, and Nothing Less

  • Home Sweet Home

  • The Power of Context

  • The Risks of Color Blindness

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • Identify a Controversial Issue You Care About

  • Identify Your Core Values

  • Wrestle with the Worst Before You Converse

  • Ask Personal Questions

  • Listen Closely Before You Speak

  • Disagree Tactfully, Argue Thoughtfully

  • Thank the Person and Ask for a Recommendation

  • Reflect Back on the Conversation

  • Think About the Bigger Picture

  • Summary

Health and Wellness

  • Welcome

  • Your Brain Is Not for Thinking

  • You Have One Brain—Not Three

  • Are Bigger Brains Better?

  • Your Brain Is a Network

  • Baby Brain

  • Your Brain Secretly Works With Other Brains

  • The Amazing Power of Words

  • Your Predictive Brain

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • Limits Are an Illusion

  • Trick Yourself

  • Talk to Yourself

  • Tune in to Your Body and Mind

  • Rest Your Mind

  • Make Pain Your Friend

  • Worry Less About Eating and Drinking

  • Believe You Can

  • Conclusion

  • Welcome

  • Be Less Passionate About Your Job

  • Inspire Yourself

  • Make Better Decisions

  • Build Psychological Safety to Boost Team Success

  • Your Feelings Aren't Facts

  • How to Prevent Texts and Emails from Accidentally Ruining Your Relationships

  • Small Actions Make a Big Difference

  • Create a Culture of Belonging

  • Introverts and Extroverts

  • Be Selectively Vulnerable

  • Conclusion

  • Welcome

  • Change Is Possible

  • Personality and Aging

  • The Power of Neuroplasticity

  • Boosting Your Memory

  • Eating Right Is Easier Than You Think

  • Movement Matters

  • How to Get a Good Night's Sleep

  • The Importance of Timing

  • Keep Working

  • Make Social Connections

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • Connection Is a Fundamental Human Need

  • The Three Dimensions of Loneliness

  • The Evolutionary Basis for Togetherness

  • The Cost of Hypervigilance

  • The Loneliness Threshold

  • Men and Loneliness

  • Women and Loneliness

  • Is Technology Making Us Lonelier?

  • The Power of Service

  • Why Friendship Matters

  • Helping Children Thrive

  • Summary

  • Welcome

  • We All Need a Little Hot Air

  • Love, Kindness, and Lies

  • How Stories Become Our Reality

  • In a Good Relationship? You're Probably Delusional

  • Why People Believe in Conspiracy Theories

  • Rituals Really Work—Just Not in the Way You Think

  • Myth, Delusion, and the Soul of a Nation

  • Have a Little Faith—It's Good for You

  • Conclusion


  • Introduction

  • The Three Types of Disagreements

  • What an Argument Is (and Isn’t)

  • The Pitfalls of Interruption and the Art of Rebuttal

  • The Controversial yet Undeniable Power of Rhetoric

  • To Argue or Not to Argue, That Is the Question

  • The Many Faces of Debate Bullies

  • Switching Sides (and Empathy as a Verb)

  • Technology, Humanity, and the Future of Debate

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • What Is a Loonshot?

  • The Two Types of Loonshots

  • The Science of Loonshots

  • Life at 32°

  • What's the Magic Behind the Magic Number 150?

  • Love Your Artists and Soldiers Equally

  • Be a Gardener, Not a Moses

  • The Three Deaths

  • Mind the False Fail

  • Listen to the Suck with Curiosity

  • Apply System Rather Than Outcome Mindset

  • To Persevere, Keep Your Eyes on SRT

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • How to Make Ideas Spread

  • Become a New Power Leader

  • Should You Turn to New Power?

  • Blending Power

  • Managing Professionals

  • Harness the Three Storms

  • The Circle Test

  • Conclusion

  • Welcome

  • Busting Myths About CEOs

  • Decisiveness

  • Adapting Proactively

  • Relentless Reliability

  • Engaging for Impact

  • Career Catapults

  • Is Your Career on the Right Track?

  • 6 "Safe Bets" to Avoid When Building a Team

  • What Can Businesses Learn From Baseball?

  • Building Safety: Signal Your Connection

  • Building Safety: Beyond the Foosball Table

  • Building Safety: Pick Up Trash

  • Sharing Risk: Signal Vulnerability Early and Often

  • Sharing Risk: Build the Vulnerability Habit

  • Sharing Risk: Warm Candor

  • Crafting Purpose: Signal Your Priorities

  • Crafting Purpose: The Power of Catchphrases

  • Crafting Purpose: Proficiency vs. Creativity

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • What Does AI Even Mean?

  • AI Has the Brain of a Worm

  • AI Needs Narrow Tasks

  • AI Does Not Understand What You're Trying to Get It to Do

  • AI Will Take the Path of Least Resistance

  • Many AI Tasks Are Really "Copy the Humans"

  • Sometimes, It's Humans Taking an AI's Job

  • Conclusion

Personal Development

  • Welcome

  • The Invisibility of Habit

  • Context Is King

  • The Truth About Repetition

  • How Rewards Work

  • The Perils of Variety

  • Skip a Step with Habit Stacking

  • The Surprising Power of Situational Control

  • What French Cooking Can Teach You About Habits

  • Self-Control Isn't What It Looks Like

  • Happiness and the Mindfulness Habit

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • Define Goals by Benefits—Not Costs

  • Choose “Do” Goals Over “Don’t” Goals

  • Tap Into Intrinsic Motivation

  • Solving the “Middles” Problem

  • Look Back to Move Forward

  • How to Feed Two Birds With One Scone

  • Manage Temptation With a Broad Decision Frame

  • How to Increase Patience

  • Connect With Others Through Goals

  • Conclusion

  • Welcome

  • The Conflict Trap

  • Humiliation, the Nuclear Bomb of Emotions

  • Beware the Binary

  • Investigate the Understory

  • The Power of Looping

  • The Conflict Industrial Complex

  • Be on the Lookout for Saturation Points

  • Complicate the Narrative

  • 5 Strategies for Getting Out of High Conflict

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • The Fresh Start Effect

  • Mary Poppins Is Right—Change Should Be Fun

  • Don’t Fear Commitment—Embrace It

  • Don’t Forget to Remember

  • Follow the Path of Least Resistance

  • Strong Habits Are Elastic Habit

  • Helping You Help Me (in Order to Help You)

  • We Get By With a Little Help from Our Friends

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • The News Is to Blame

  • Is Civilization a Good Idea?

  • We Have Evolved to Be Friendly

  • Violence Is Not in Our Nature

  • We're Not So Cruel After All

  • People Help One Another More Than We Think

  • Empathy Is Overrated

  • Get Intrinsically Motivated

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • Numbers Are Everyone’s Second Language

  • Making Numbers Easier to Understand

  • Taking Numbers From Abstract to Concrete

  • The Rule of One

  • Mapping Numbers on Familiar Dimensions

  • Evoking Emotion With Numbers

  • Combating Psychological Numbing

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • Learn From Failure

  • Focus on Process, Not Outcome

  • Ask Questions

  • Recharge and Reflect

  • Be Yourself

  • Play to Your Strengths

  • Specialize Today, Seek Variety Tomorrow

  • Learn From Others

  • Conclusion

NEW December 2022

  • Introduction

  • How to Read People

  • How to Size People Up

  • How to Detect Lies

  • How to Improve Your Friendships

  • How to Deal With Narcissists

  • How to Have Better Arguments With Your Partner

  • How to Keep Love Alive

  • How to Beat Loneliness

  • Conclusion

  • Welcome

  • The Cult of the Head Start

  • Winners Quit, and Quitters Win

  • It's a Wicked World

  • Develop Cognitive Flexibility

  • The Power of Analogies

  • Drop Your Tools

  • Ditch Your Long-Term Plan

  • Make Learning Difficult

  • The Outsider Advantage

  • Conclusion

  • Welcome

  • Why Do We Talk to Ourselves?

  • How Chatter Sabotages Performance

  • How Chatter Affects Our Health and Relationships

  • The Power of Distance

  • The Restorative Effects of Green Space

  • Create Outer Order to Calm Inner Turmoil

  • The Placebo Principle

  • Seek Out Awe-Inspiring Experiences

  • Conclusion

  • An Introduction to Regret

  • The Surprising Benefits of Regret

  • Foundation Regrets

  • Boldness Regrets

  • Moral Regrets

  • Connection Regrets

  • Self-Disclosure: Relive and Relieve

  • Self-Compassion: Normalize and Neutralize

  • Self-Distancing: Analyze and Strategize

  • Anticipating Regrets

  • 5 Techniques You Won’t Regret

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • The Power of Contrast

  • The Joy of Escape

  • The One and the Many

  • Suffering Is Central to Meaning

  • The Upside of Struggle

  • Playing With Time

  • Against Hedonism

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • Beware of Impostor Syndrome

  • Prepare for Opportunity to Appear

  • Foster Self-Determination

  • Build Your Reputation

  • Grow Your Network

  • Forget About Work/Life Balance

  • You Can Do It All—But You Shouldn't

  • It's (More Than) Okay to Ask for Help

  • Find Your Mentors

  • Tell People What You Want

  • Conclusion

  • Welcome

  • Daily Performance

  • The Perfect Nap

  • When to Exercise

  • Beginnings

  • Midpoints

  • Endings

  • Group Timing

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • All Living Organisms Do Work

  • We're Skilled at Acquiring Skills

  • Not Everything Is a Competition

  • Our Ancestors Worked to Live—But They Did Not Live to Work

  • Our Relationship With Hierarchy Is Complicated

  • We're Not All Farmers Anymore

  • We Define Ourselves by the Work We Do

  • Work Today Is Doing More Harm Than Good

  • Conclusion

Professional Skills

  • Think Full-Spectrum

  • Generate Other Options

  • Seek Out Diversity

  • Ditch the Single-Focus Approach

  • Scenario Plans and Premortems

  • Consider the Possibility

  • Weigh the Values

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • A Philosophy of Betting

  • Pick Your Spots

  • The Danger of Going With Your Gut

  • Don't Tilt

  • The Truth About Bad Luck

  • Process, Outcome, and the Nature of Control

  • Know When to Fold

  • The Art of the Tell

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • Use Your Head

  • Listen to Your Body

  • The Power of Affect Labeling

  • Thinking With Movement

  • In Defense of Gestures

  • The Nature of Thought

  • The Privacy Principle

  • The Super-Powered Social Brain

  • Four Principles to Creating "Groupiness"

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction

  • Getting in Sync

  • Listening to More Than Just Words

  • Create an Environment for Listening

  • We Don't Listen to Those Who Matter Most

  • Engage Your Curiosity

  • Support, Rather Than Shift, the Conversation

  • Did You Hear? Gossip Is Good

  • Mind Your Internal Dialogue

  • Embrace Silence

  • Conclusion

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