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Glossary of Rise Terms

Definitions of common Rise terms

Anthony Karcz avatar
Written by Anthony Karcz
Updated over a week ago



Admins manage users, groups, courses, learning paths, and account settings. They can create and publish courses. Admins can also access reports and assign groups to reporters.

Allow List

An allow list (allowlist) is a list of values—usually email addresses or domains—used to filter traffic or limit access. Rise doesn't make use of allow lists. See also Deprecated Terms.


Application Programming Interface (API) is a programming interface that lets Rise and another application—often one you create, but sometimes a third-party tool—talk to each other, using endpoints to retrieve specific data from your account. You can find out more about Rise API here.

Articulate is a product of Articulate. We make the world’s most popular apps for online training. lets you create, track, and manage your online training in one complete system. We also make Articulate 360, which allows you to create e-learning courses for your learning management system (LMS).

Articulate 360


Authors take, create, collaborate on, and submit courses for publication. They don’t have access to any reports or administrative functions.


Blended Learning

Combines online, self-guided education and face-to-face instructor-led training. Rise offers self-guided training in the form of courses created in Rise and third-party content created in other authoring tools.


The primary content unit that makes up a lesson. Blocks can contain text, multimedia, interactive elements, or knowledge check questions, depending on the type.

Block Template

A reusable, preformatted collection of blocks that is saved to use in other lessons. Block templates are created from existing blocks and their content.



A downloadable PDF document that indicates a learner has successfully completed a course or learning path.


A Canonical Name record (CNAME record) is a type of resource record in the DNS that maps one domain name (an alias) to another (the canonical name). It's used when masking your account in a custom domain.


The right to reproduce and use created content. Prebuilt content and templates are created by Articulate from royalty-free sources and are available to use freely within Rise.


A collection of lessons that can stand alone as their own instructional unit or be bundled with other lessons in a learning path.

Course Sequencing

Used in learning paths when learners must take courses as prerequisites for other courses and enabled in the learning path details.


Deprecated Terms

To promote inclusivity, Rise does not use terms with racist origins or connotations such as whitelist, whitelabel, blacklist, blacklabel master, and slave.


The Dynamic Naming System (DNS) is the "phone book of the Internet." A DNS provider is needed when adding a custom domain to your account.

Drip Learning

Scheduled learning that's released in smaller chunks. This can be accomplished manually in Rise by learning paths with additional courses or courses with additional content after you've enrolled learners. See also Course Sequencing.



Buying and selling goods online. In relation to Rise, it's the ability to monetize courses you create.


The location from which an API accesses the resources it needs to carry out its function. You can see a list of all available Rise API endpoints here.



Content added to your Favorites. Add content to your Favorites by clicking the heart icon on the learning path or course card in the library.



A direct connection between Rise and a specific third-party application, such as Slack or Zapier.



Learners can take courses, browse the library, and add courses to their My List. They can't create courses and don't have access to administrative or reporting functions.

Learning Path

A collection of courses meant to be taken as a cohesive educational unit.


The primary content unit for courses. They're either prebuilt or created manually from blocks. Lessons must be included in a course for it to be accessible by learners.


Located on the Learn tab, this is where you'll find your organization’s content. This includes courses and learning paths that have been made available to all learners as well as content specifically assigned to you.



Single-course content that's traditionally focused on a single learning objective. Available in Rise 360 only.

My List (deprecated)

See Favorites.


Next Big Idea Club

Next Big Idea Club is a Rise content partner, providing life-changing training content from the world’s most brilliant luminaries. Next Big Idea Club content is provided as course and lesson templates.



The person who purchased your Rise subscription and the only one who has access to billing management. They can transfer ownership to another team member. The owner is also an admin.



Real content created by the Rise team or one of our content partners on a variety of common business topics. Prebuilt content is ready-to-use as complete courses or individual lessons.

Premium Content Sources

A complete library of professionally-developed courses in which learners can self-enroll based on their interests and job function.



Reporters can access automatically-generated metrics either for the entire account or for groups as assigned by an admin. They can also take, create, collaborate on, and submit courses for publication.

Rise 360



A popular customer relationship management platform. Rise does not directly integrate with Salesforce at this time. See also Zapier.


Rise pricing isn't based on seat count but instead the maximum number of users you can invite to your account.

Self-directed Learning

Learners are free to progress through content at their own pace. Admins can create a deadline for course completion but it's up to the learner to meet any timeline goals.


The Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a set of technical standards for eLearning software products. Third-party training exported using SCORM can be imported into Rise.


A popular team communication platform, Slack is directly integrated with Rise. Learn more here.


Single Sign-On (SSO) allows users to sign in to a single system, such as a company directory, and then access multiple apps without having to sign in to each one with separate credentials. SSO providers include Okta and Microsoft Azure. Learn more about how to manage SSO in Rise here.

Storyline 360


Students are known as learners in Rise.



Courses and lessons from which you can create entire courses or enhance existing ones. Templates either contain real content and can be deployed as-is or placeholder content that must be edited before publishing.

Third-party Training

Content created outside of Rise in e-learning tools like Storyline 360. Third-party training exported using SCORM can be imported into Rise.


Added by admins to courses and learning paths to categorize content in your library. Topics added to content let learners quickly find related content.



Someone who's given access to a Rise account. Users can be learners, authors, reporters, or admins. Pricing for Rise is based on the maximum number of users you can invite to your account.



Virtual instructor-led training is not a part of Rise at this time. Rise courses are self-directed.



Used in API, these are behaviors triggered when an event occurs, such as when a user completes a course.



Zapier connects and syncs data between thousands of web services. Learn more about Zapier and Rise here.

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