This content applies to: Admins
Once your content’s created, the next step is to organize it so that it’s seen by the users who need it. To do this, you’ll use libraries, topics, and learning paths. You don’t have to use all three features but they work great together.
Libraries help your learners focus by surfacing only those courses and learning paths that are included in the library to which they’re assigned. With libraries, learners can self-enroll in courses and learning paths.
Libraries also let you control what content users can access. When you remove a group’s access to your account’s default library and then you add that same group to a custom library, they’re able to see only the courses and learning paths you’ve added to it.
If you have premium content sources enabled, you can also turn off visibility for specific Rise or partner courses and categories in course management. With visibility disabled, the content doesn't display for anyone on your team.
Topics are searchable in the library and give your users a way to quickly browse for content in which they’re interested. Create new topics on the Topics tab, then add them to your content via the Library Topics section for each course or learning path. Learning path topics are added independently from any topics that may be assigned to constituent courses.
A topic list displays in the library sidebar. Topics appear in descending order by the number of courses and learning paths assigned to the topic and then alphabetically. If a topic has no content associated with it in the current library, it doesn’t display.
Learning Paths
Use learning paths when you want to group courses together. This does two things: it provides your learners with a focused collection of related content and offers them a guided experience through progressive information. You can even select an option so that the courses included have to be taken in order, ensuring that learners don’t miss out on prerequisite knowledge.
Learning paths are especially useful when you want learners to explore a topic. While they can find related content on their own in the library, they might not need to view every course contained in a topic. Or there might be an optimal learning order you’d like them to follow. Or you might have courses that complement each other but are tagged with different topics. In a learning path you can add them all into a cohesive exploration of a subject, then assign it to the users or groups that it can best benefit.