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Frustrated by accented characters not displaying properly in your Rise courses? We can help you get on track even if you don’t know a breve from an overdot!
Accented characters (also known as diacritics) are used commonly in languages other than English. However, the built-in Rise fonts don’t include non-Latin characters, so accented characters might not look the way you’d expect. The good news is it’s easy to fix. Download the full font set from the web, then upload it to Rise. Here’s how.
Search the Google Fonts website for the fonts you need. If you're looking for a font set in a different language, use this method to choose your language of choice. You can also jump directly to the default Rise fonts below:
Open Sans
Roboto SlabWhen you find the font you want, click Download family. This downloads the entire font family, including the missing glyphs displayed on the font's page.
Unzip the folder somewhere you’ll be able to find it easily.
Follow these steps to upload your custom fonts to Rise.
Tip: Characters still not displaying as expected? You might need a language-specific custom font. Download the font package, then upload it to Rise using the instructions linked above.