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Manage Your Profile

Everything you can do in profile settings

Anthony Karcz avatar
Written by Anthony Karcz
Updated over a week ago

 Applies to these roles: Learner, Author, Reporter, Admin  

Your profile, by default, displays your initials. Clicking the icon gives you access to profile settings. Here you can upload a picture, change your name, update your email address, manage your Rise marketing email preference, or change your password.

Note: If your team has SSO enabled, your profile is set to read-only. Contact your SSO administrator if you need to make profile changes. Also, if you've created an account with Google Authentication, your email address is read-only.

We take security seriously at Rise. That’s why we send an email to your new address to verify changes before updating your profile. To reset your email or password, we send a link to your verified email address with the steps you’ll need to complete.  

Tip: Passwords must contain at least 8 characters, including a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, and a number. Your name can't be part of your password.

Want to update your selected topics of interest? Head to the learner sidebar.

Update Your Profile Photo

Replace the default profile icon with your own picture by clicking Upload Photo and selecting an image you’d like to use. Use the zoom slider and move the picture until your image fits in the profile photo outline. Click Save to update your profile. 

Tip: If your image looks blurry, it might be too small. Try picking a photo with a higher resolution or zooming out. 

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