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Enhanced Block Settings
Enhanced Block Settings

Adjust padding, add a background themes for your blocks, and more

Anthony Karcz avatar
Written by Anthony Karcz
Updated over a year ago

Applies to these roles: Author, Reporter, Admin

The block settings menu makes customization fast and easy. You can access these options via a floating menu that appears when you hover over a block. There, you'll find options to move, duplicate, or delete your block, edit block content, and adjust the design.

While some blocks have specific settings (check the articles in this collection for details), they all share a few common features.

Move, Duplicate, and Delete Blocks

Click the Move up, Move down, Duplicate, or Delete buttons to move, copy, or remove a block.

Edit Content

Each block may be edited in either its left-hand edit panel or a full-screen authoring experience. You can easily access these editing options directly from the block:

  1. Hover over the block and click the Content icon in the left-hand toolbar.

  2. Edit content in the left-hand edit panel or full-screen authoring experience that appears.

  3. Click the X or Close button in the upper right corner of the sidebar or screen to close it.

Adjust Block Design

In the left-hand toolbar, you have additional menus to adjust the format and style.


Make your content stand out by filling all the white space around your block content with the color of your choosing.

  1. Hover over the block and click the Style icon in the left-hand toolbar.

  2. Select a background color from the following options:

    • Light

    • Gray

    • Theme

    • Theme Tint

    • Dark

    • Black

    • Custom

    • Image

  3. Click X or outside the menu to close it.


Theme and theme tint background colors are based on the course theme color. Depending on global contrast settings, text color changes when you choose a theme color option.


Choose a custom background color by entering the hex code or manually selecting a color. Selecting a custom background color enables Contrast options: Auto, Light, and Dark.

Select Auto from the drop-down list to ensure that text and graphic elements adhere to an accessibility-conformant 4.5:1 ratio. When selected, text and graphic elements change from light to dark as needed to preserve contrast.

When you select Light or Dark, training elements don’t automatically adjust and may not maintain contrast that's conformant with accessibility guidelines.

Note: In-line graphical elements (like numbers, bullets, and checkboxes) retain the theme color instead of adopting your custom color.


When you select Image, an image is added as the block background. These images are random and vary from block to block. Use the image edit menu to upload, replace, or crop the image.

If the image background obscures your block content, try adjusting the Overlay. Select a light or dark transparent overlay, then adjust its opacity as needed by percentage. Overlay adjustments affect text contrast and in-line graphical elements. For instance, if you select a dark overlay, the text color will be light and vice versa.

Note: Buttons in button blocks are always either black or white depending on the contrast options you select.


The format menu contains your padding options as well as additional formatting elements for specific blocks.

Padding is the amount of blank space that appears before and after the block. While we find that a standard 30 pixels (px) of space gives content plenty of breathing room, you can adjust it to your liking by clicking the Format icon.

  1. Hover over the block and click the Format icon in the left-hand toolbar.

  2. Choose between the Small, Medium, or Large padding options that appear. Or, click the ellipses to reveal custom sliders.

  3. Increase or decrease the top and bottom padding using either the set options or the sliders. You can choose as much as 200px of padding or as little as no padding at all.

  4. Click the X or outside the menu to close it.

Unique elements in multimedia and interactive blocks may also be edited in the Format menu, including labels, media size and position, button and marker colors, and interactive behavior.

Note: Color and contrast for Buttons and Button Stacks may be modified in the Format menu. Buttons in Process Interactions, however, will remain the theme color.

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