What This API Endpoint Does
With the Group Memberships API you can add users to and remove users from a group. Admins see this reflected on the People tab under either the individual user or group record. Any courses assigned to the group will appear in the user's library.
You can also use this API to retrieve a list of a group's members or the groups in which an individual user is enrolled.
GET /groups/{groupId}/users
- list a group's membersGET /users/{userId}/groups
- list a user's groupsPUT /groups/{groupId}/users/{userId}
- add a user to a groupDELETE /groups/{groupId}/users/{userId}
- remove a user from a group
Note: You can't use the PUT
endpoints to manage groups provisioned by SCIM.
List a Group's Members
GET /groups/{groupId}/users
Request Parameters (Query String)
(integer, optional) - the maximum number of results to return in a single response (see Pagination); must be between 1 and 100 (defaults to 50)
Example response
"users": [
"id": "example-user-id-1",
"email": "foo@example.com",
"groupsUrl": "<https://api.rise.com/users/example-user-id-1/groups>",
"role": "learner",
"firstName": "Example First Name 1",
"lastName": "Example Last Name 1",
"lastActiveAt": "2021-10-28T20:39:52.659Z",
"learnerReportUrl": "<https://api.rise.com/reports/learners/example-user-id-1>",
"url": "<https://api.rise.com/users/example-user-id-1>"
}, ...
"nextUrl": "<https://url-for-next-page-of-results>"
Endpoint-specific error codes:
- cannot list users because group does not exist
List a User's Groups
GET /users/{userId}/groups
Request Parameters (Query String)
(integer, optional) - the maximum number of results to return in a single response (see Pagination); must be between 1 and 100 (defaults to 50)
Example response
"groups": [
"id": "example-group-id-1",
"isManagedByIdentityProvider": false,
"membersUrl": "<https://api.rise.com/groups/example-group-id/users>",
"name": "Example Group",
"url": "<https://api.rise.com/groups/example-group-id-1>"
}, ...
"nextUrl": "<https://url-for-next-page-of-results>"
Endpoint-specific error codes:
- cannot list user's groups because user does not exist
Add User to Group
PUT /groups/{groupId}/users/{userId}
Success response
204 "No Content"
Endpoint-specific error codes:
- cannot add user to group because group does not existuser_not_found
- cannot add user to group because user does not exist
Remove User from Group
DELETE /groups/{groupId}/users/{userId}
Success response
204 "No Content"
Endpoint-specific error codes:
- cannot remove user from group because group does not existuser_not_found
- cannot remove user from group because user does not exist