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The latest changes and updates for the Rise API

Anthony Karcz avatar
Written by Anthony Karcz
Updated over a week ago

August 1, 2023

  • Quiz data to the course.completed webhook event.

September 20, 2022

  • source to Course object and Learning Path Course object

Added to Groups API

  • courseAvailable to the Session object and Learner Course object

August 1, 2022

  • order to Learning Path Course objects

May 13, 2022

Added to Reports API

  • progress to Course Learner and Learner Course objects

October 29, 2021

Added to Users API

  • lastActiveAt to Users object

July 13, 2021

Added to Groups API

  • isManagedByIdentityProvider to Groups object

  • The ability to query GET /groups with a name property

February 4, 2021

Added to Groups API

  • PUT /groups/:groupId - Update group by group id

  • DELETE /groups/:groupId - Delete group by group id

January 26, 2021

  • Now returns reports for deleted courses, learning paths, and users when the Report has not also been deleted

  • Added courseDeleted, learningPathDeleted, userDeleted to reports

  • Added completedAt to Course Learner and Learner Course reports

January 25, 2021


  • user.created Webhook event - now triggered for SSO users (SAML/SCIM) as well as non-SSO users


  • user.created Webhook event - now triggered when a user is removed and later re-added to your Rise account

October 30, 2020


October 26, 2020


  • The Create Invitation API now accepts a reportingGroups property for specifying which groups an invited reporter will be able to report on

  • New endpoint-specific error codes for the Create Invitation API:
    - invalid_reporting_groups
    - invalid_user_role

October 20, 2020


September 25, 2020


  • enrollments.created Webhook event - triggered when users or groups are enrolled in either a course or learning path.

September 18, 2020

"Everyone" group fixes:

  • GET /groups/:groupId now supports getting the details of the "Everyone" group, using everyone as the group ID.

  • GET /groups/:groupId/users now supports listing the members of the "Everyone" group, using everyone as the group ID.

September 14, 2020

  • Added course.submitted Webhook Event - triggered when an author submits a course to be reviewed by an admin for publication.

September 1, 2020


  • API Versioning
    You can now optionally use a Rise-API-Version header in your API requests to specify which version of the API to use. Don't worry, there's only one version (the default one) so far. See the Versioning section of the Introduction for more.

  • Webhooks Versioning
    You can now include an optional apiVersion property when creating webhooks to define which API version to use when we make requests to that webhook URL. When not provided, webhooks will use the default API version (see Versioning). The apiVersion property can be specified independent of whichever Rise-API-Version header is used in the request to create the webhook itself. The Webhook object has been updated to include this apiVersion property as well.

    Webhook requests sent by Rise will now include a Rise-API-Version header on the request as well as an apiVersion property that has been added to the Webhook Event Payload.

August 26, 2020


  • webhookId to the Webhook Event Payload. This ID will now be included with all webhook events.

August 24, 2020


  • user.created webhook event - triggered when a user is added to your Rise account

August 7, 2020


  • GET /users/:userId/groups - list a user's groups

  • GET /groups/:groupId/users - list a group's members

  • groupsUrl to the User Object

  • membersUrl to the Group Object

August 4, 2020

Added Course Enrollments API

  • PUT /courses/{courseId}/users/{userId} - enroll a single user in a course

  • PUT /courses/{courseId}/groups/{groupId} - enroll a group of users in a course

  • DELETE /courses/{courseId}/users/{userId} - unenroll a single user from a course

  • DELETE /courses/{courseId}/groups/{groupId} - unenroll a group of users from a course

Learning Path Enrollments API

  • PUT /learning-paths/{learningPathId}/users/{userId} - enroll a single user in a learning path

  • PUT /learning-paths/{learningPathId}/groups/{groupId} - enroll a group of users in a learning path

  • DELETE /learning-paths/{learningPathId}/users/{userId} - unenroll a single user from a learning path

  • DELETE /learning-paths/{learningPathId}/groups/{groupId} - unenroll a group of users from a learning path

New error codes

  • course_not_found

  • group_not_found

  • invalid_api_key

  • invitation_not_found

  • learning_path_not_found

  • missing_api_key

  • user_not_found

  • webhook_not_found

Invitations API

August 3, 2020

  • Reports API: Update the limit query parameter to accept a max of 2000.

July 21, 2020

Added email property to Reports API:

July 16, 2020

New: Rise API Version 2020-07-16

Changed: The status property of Course Learner objects and Learner Course objects will no longer report Overdue. The reported status will now only be one of Not Started, In Progress, or Complete. To determine if a course is overdue use the existing dueAt timestamp property. Impacted endpoints:

  • GET /reports/courses/{courseId} - get learner report for a specific course

  • GET /reports/learners/{userId} - get course report for a specific user

  • GET /reports/learning-paths/{learningPathId}/learners - get learner report for a specific learning path

July 14, 2020

  • Added: POST /groups - create a group

  • The Group object now includes a url property

June 29, 2020


  • POST /webhooks - create a webhook

  • GET /webhooks - list webhooks

  • GET /webhooks/{webhookId} - get details of a webhook by webhook id

  • DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId} - delete a webhook by webhook id

June 24, 2020


  • GET /learning-paths - list learning paths

  • GET /learning-paths/{learningPathId} - get details of a learning path by learning path id

  • GET /learning-paths/{learningPathId}/courses - list courses in a learning path

  • GET /reports/learning-paths/{learningPathId}/learners - report for learners assigned to a learning path

  • GET /reports/learning-paths/{learningPathId}/courses - report for courses in a learning path

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